polyamory for beginners

Polyamory for Beginners: Tips for Your Ethical Non-Monogamy Journey

If you’re about to enter your first polyamorous relationship, or you’re simply curious about how this relationship dynamic ‘works’, this guide to polyamory for beginners will tell you everything you need to know.

With 8 billion people on the planet, it’s no surprise that monogamy doesn’t work for everyone. 

While the numbers are a little more conservative in the UK, the stats suggest that over 50% of adults under 30 in the US think that open marriage is acceptable.

But being unsure of where you fit in on the spectrum of relationships, from asexuality to monogamy to polyamory, is an almost universal experience. 

If you’re finding yourself unfulfilled in your love life and looking to explore the facets of ethical non-monogamy, we’ve broken down the basics to help you find your way.

What is Polyamory?

What is polyamory

Polyamory is the practice of having multiple romantic relationships at the same time, with everyone’s consent and knowledge.

Unlike monogamy, polyamory emphasises open and honest communication, enabling people to form meaningful connections with more than one partner. 

It focuses on ethical non-monogamy, where integrity, respect, and mutual agreement are key to maintaining healthy and happy relationships.

What Are the Types of Polyamory?

polyamory types

The first thing to know about polyamory is that there’s more than one type of polyamorous relationship that you can be part of. 

Here are the most common types of polyamory that you might encounter and what the dynamic entails.

Note: This isn’t an exhaustive list of the types of polyamorous and ENM relationships available, so don’t worry if none of them sounds like a good fit yet! 

1) Kitchen Table Polyamory

Kitchen Table Polyamory refers to a type of polyamorous relationship in which all partners are comfortable and familiar enough with each other to sit around the kitchen table, share meals, and spend time together.

This dynamic promotes a sense of community and familial bonds, where communication and mutual respect are highly valued. 

It emphasises the importance of building connections not just with one’s partners but also among their partners, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.

You can find out more about this polyamorous dynamic in our post about Navigating Emotional Connections with Kitchen Table Polyamory.

2) Open Relationships

Open relationships are a type of polyamorous relationship where partners agree to engage in romantic or sexual relationships with others outside their primary partnership.

Unlike traditional polyamory, open relationships often focus more on the freedom to explore connections without the need for deep emotional bonds with every partner.

Communication, consent, and transparency remain essential, ensuring that all parties are aware of and comfortable with the boundaries set within their relationships.

Take Our Free Online Sexual Compatibility Test to find out if you’re sexually compatible with your partner. 

3) Solo Polyamory

Solo polyamory is a type of polyamorous relationship where individuals maintain autonomy and independence, often prioritising their own needs and personal development over deeply intertwined partnerships.

They may have multiple partners but choose not to merge lives through traditional commitments such as cohabitating, sharing finances, or legal bonds. 

This approach allows for flexibility and freedom, supporting personal growth while maintaining meaningful connections.

4) Monogamish

Monogamish relationships are romantically exclusive but allow for limited sexual experiences outside the primary partnership, such as a swingers arrangement.

Partners in this dynamic maintain a strong emotional and romantic bond while granting each other the freedom to explore sexually with others, usually within pre-agreed boundaries.

This arrangement fosters trust and open communication, providing a balance between commitment and explorative desire.

5) Garden Party Polyamory

Garden Party Polyamory refers to a polyamorous dynamic where partners and metamours (partners’ partners) interact in a social, party-like setting rather than deeply intertwined lives.

This style focuses on enjoying social gatherings and events together and maintaining lighter, community-oriented connections.

It allows individuals to foster relationships within a relaxed, festive atmosphere without the pressure of tight-knit familial bonds, emphasising fun, casual encounters and mutual enjoyment.

How to Safely Explore Polyamory as a Beginner

polyamory exploration

Taking your first steps into polyamory can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you have minimal experience of the dynamics involved. 

To help you navigate this world as easily as possible, here are our top tips for safely exploring polyamory as a beginner.

#1 Read Everything You Can

Reading everything you can about polyamory can help prepare you by providing a comprehensive understanding of its various forms, principles, and potential challenges

It equips you with the necessary knowledge to navigate relationships with honesty, respect and consent.

By learning from others’ experiences, you can gain insights into effective communication strategies and conflict resolution methods, ensuring a smoother transition into polyamorous dynamics.

Engaging with diverse resources also helps you identify what resonates with you personally, laying the groundwork for healthier, more fulfilling connections.

We’ve provided a list of polyam resources further on below to get you started!

#2 Follow Polyamorous People on Social Media & Blogs

Following polyamorous blogs and social media accounts can be extremely helpful for beginners, as they offer real-life insights and practical advice.

These platforms provide a community for sharing experiences, discussing challenges, and celebrating successes, helping newcomers feel less isolated.

Engaging with a range of perspectives and experiences enriches understanding and aids in developing effective communication and relationship skills tailored to polyamorous lifestyles.

#3 Make Poly Friends

Making poly friends can help build a supportive community on your journey into ENM by providing shared experiences and insights.

Having a network of like-minded individuals allows you to exchange advice, discuss challenges, and celebrate successes together. 

This sense of camaraderie can significantly ease the transition, fostering an environment where you feel understood and supported.

#4 Start the Search for a Partner (or two!)

Once you feel ready, it’s time to find a polyamorous partner (or two!). This is the first major step toward experiencing polyamory firsthand.

To make it as smooth as possible, we’d recommend:

  • Being open and honest about your current situation and what you’re looking for in a partner.
  • Clearly communicate your boundaries and expectations to potential partners.
  • Taking things slow and building trust before diving into deep emotional connections.
  • Keeping your number of partners to a manageable amount.
  • Embrace jealousy. It’s normal to feel jealous at times.
  • Make sure to take care of your own emotional and physical well-being.
  • Be prepared to face disagreements, time constraints, and emotional roller-coasters.
  • Respect compersion. Finding joy in your partner’s happiness with another person can be incredibly fulfilling.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek advice or counselling if you encounter difficulties.
  • Be open to evolving dynamics and new experiences.

Things to Consider Before You Jump into Polyamory

polyamory considerations

Before diving headfirst into the exciting and rich world of polyam relationships, there are a few things to consider about yourself first! 

These are especially important if you’ve grown up in a heteronormative culture and will help set you up for success.

#1 Make Time to Unpack Your Monogamy Conditioning

Unpacking monogamy-focused conditioning is crucial before entering polyamory because it helps to dismantle ingrained beliefs and expectations that may hinder the development of healthy and open relationships.

This self-reflection facilitates a deeper understanding of personal needs and boundaries, enabling you to embrace polyamory with a more authentic and liberated mindset, free from societal pressures and misconceptions.

#2 We’ve Got to Talk Jealousy

Jealousy is a common emotion in polyamorous relationships, and it’s essential to acknowledge and address it openly and honestly.

Being transparent about your feelings allows for constructive dialogue and mutual support, helping to navigate and manage jealousy healthily. 

Recognising and discussing jealousy prevents it from undermining your relationships and reinforces trust and communication between partners.

#3 It Isn’t Always Going to be Easy

Polyamory, like any romantic relationship, isn’t always easy. It can bring unique challenges, such as managing time, navigating complex emotions, and ensuring clear communication among multiple partners.

Being prepared for the potential ups and downs will help you approach your polyamorous journey with realistic expectations and resilience, paving the way for fulfilling and meaningful connections. 

Remember, every relationship requires effort, understanding, and patience to thrive.

#4 It’s Okay if You Find It Isn’t for You

It’s perfectly okay if you find that polyamory isn’t the right dynamic for you. Relationships are deeply personal, and it’s essential to honour your own needs and boundaries.

If polyamory doesn’t feel fulfilling, stepping away and starting again with something else is a healthy choice. 

Prioritising your happiness and well-being is paramount, so explore what truly aligns with your values and desires.

Helpful Polyamory Resources

polyamory resources

Diving into the world of polyamory and ethical non-monogamy can benefit greatly from insights and experiences shared by others. 

Here’s a list of valuable resources across various platforms to help you on your journey:


  1. Multiamory – A weekly podcast covering a range of topics around polyamory and relationships.
  2. Polyamory Weekly – Hosted by Cunning Minx, it offers advice, news, and current events related to polyamory.
  3. Normalizing Non-Monogamy – Features interviews with people practising ethical non-monogamy to share their stories.
  4. The Ethical Slut Podcast – Based on the book by Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy, discussing open relationships and sexuality.

YouTube Channels:

  1. Kat Blaque – Covers personal experiences and advice on maintaining healthy polyamorous relationships.
  2. Just Between Us – Friends discussing all aspects of sexuality. One host is poly.
  3. Chill Polyamory – Offers videos on polyamory in film, TV, and media.


  1. @polyamfam – Polyamorous family sharing daily experiences, tips, and educational content.
  2. @readyforpolyamory – Provides short, informative videos on various aspects of polyamory and ENM.

These resources provide diverse perspectives and practical advice to help you navigate and thrive in polyamorous dynamics.

Final Thoughts: What to Expect When Exploring Polyamory for the First Time

Exploring polyamory for the first time can be exciting and rewarding. You’ll experience a range of emotions, from joy and love to moments of growth and self-discovery. Open communication, trust, and self-reflection are essential for navigating these dynamics.

Each relationship is unique and will develop in its own way. The journey, though challenging at times, offers deep connections, personal growth, and a broader understanding of love and relationships. 

Approach the experience with an open mind and heart, and appreciate every moment.

Find out more about How to Bring Up Polyamory to Your Partner & Avoid Hurting Them with the Illicit Encounters blog.


What is the Number One Rule of Polyamory?

The number one rule of polyamory is clear and honest communication. It’s essential to maintain transparency, consent, and openness with all partners involved to build trust and understanding, ensuring that everyone’s needs and boundaries are respected.

What is the Hardest Part of Polyamory?

The hardest part of polyamory is managing jealousy and time allocation among multiple partners. Balancing various relationships requires excellent communication, emotional resilience, and a commitment to respecting everyone’s boundaries and needs, which can be complex and challenging to navigate.

What Are Red Flags in Polyamory?

Red flags in polyamory include partners who refuse to communicate openly, violate established boundaries, display controlling or possessive behaviour, lack transparency about other relationships, and exhibit jealousy without discussing it constructively. These behaviours hinder trust and can be detrimental to maintaining healthy polyamorous dynamics.

Can Cheating Happen in Polyamory?

Yes, cheating can happen in polyamory when a partner breaks agreed-upon boundaries, lies, or engages in secretive behaviour. Mutual trust, transparency, and adherence to established rules are crucial in polyamorous relationships to prevent cheating and maintain healthy dynamics.

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